Tulsa, Oklahoma

Day #1 Online Public Auction Sale - Plant Closed - Astra Manufacturing Solutions

Timed OnlineEnds in 7 days
Date: - 
Inspection: - 

2-Day Online Public Auction Sale (15) CNC Swiss – (8) Acme Gridley – (8) Davenports – (8) Haas Plant closed by order of board of directors of Astra Manufacturing Solutions – Online Bidding Only 1843 N. 106th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Day #2 Online Public Auction Sale - Plant Closed Astra Manufacturing Solutions

Timed OnlineEnds in 8 days
Date: - 
Inspection: - 

2-Day Online Public Auction Sale (15) CNC Swiss – (8) Acme Gridley – (8) Davenports – (8) Haas Plant closed by order of board of directors of Astra Manufacturing Solutions – Online Bidding Only 1843 N. 106th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116

Showing 2 records

Current and Upcoming CNC Machine Auctions

Are You Going, Going, Gone to an Auction?

Auctions are a great way to buy and sell industrial machinery in a relatively short period of time. CNC Exchange and its partner, Premier Asset Recovery Group, conduct auctions that feature high-quality, pre-owned used CNC lathes, CNC Swiss-type lathes, CNC routers, CNC machining centers (vertical and horizontal) and all other types of industrial equipment. Whether you’re in the market to purchase a machine or you’re interested in selling one asset or an entire plant’s worth, a used machinery auction can be the perfect solution.

Industrial equipment auctions help sellers to:

  • Target a large, geographically dispersed audience
  • Increase buyers’ enthusiasm and interest
  • Generate quick and final sales
  • Provide ready cash for used assets

At a used equipment auction, buyers enjoy the ability to:

  • Choose from a wide pool of available machines
  • Stretch their budgets by purchasing used equipment
  • Lower their depreciation vs. new machines
  • Rely on trusted, professional auctioneers

With these benefits, CNC machine auctions enable buyers to make a major impact on their capacity, efficiency and return on investment, while minimizing upfront costs. In addition, the selection at a CNC auction is often extensive and can offer opportunities to purchase proven, tested equipment that may not be available new.

Our Auction and Appraisal Services

CNC Exchange partners with Premier Asset Recovery Group, LLC to offer professional resell CNC auction and appraisal services. Our experts help you determine the proper value for your equipment, and ensure a successful auction experience for both sellers and buyers. We provide a wealth of expertise and history in CNC machine auctions, used equipment sales, and used equipment purchasing. With a vast network of sellers and buyers, we are ready to help you meet your used CNC equipment needs.